Welcome to Emma’s Things to Read

Hello fellow bookworms!

Welcome to Emma’s Things to Read.

I’m Emma – English teacher, toddler mum and avid reader.

As a child I was always at the library and had a room filled with books. Fortunately my parents encouraged my reading and, even as an adult, books featured heavily as Christmas and birthday gifts. I loved a WHSmith voucher or a book token and would spend ages planning how to spend them.

My bookshelves are still home to some childhood treasures – a battered copy of First Term at Mallory Towers that was a gift from my auntie when I had chicken pox; a well-read copy of Gone With The Wind that a spent a week’s pocket money on having read a library copy and loved it; a growing collection of Little Grey Rabbit books that I’ve rehomed from car boot sales or charity shops.

My own little monster is 6 and learning to read himself and from birth he has been given books, taken to story times and is read with everyday. He loves going to the library and completed the Space Chase summer challenge during the holiday. Now he is learning to read himself, we are big readers of Biff, Chip and Kipper!

It is so important to encourage reading from an early age – study after study shows the impact this can have on academic achievement and mental health and well-being. Hopefully I am well on the way to created the next generation of readers.

The aim of this blog is simple.

To share our love of books

To share and review the books that I’m reading and the ones we are reading as a family.

To share the events and book fun that we have.

To meet other books lovers and talk about books.

And see where the world of books can take us.

Thank you for joining us!

Happy reading,

Emma and the Little Monster

Me and the Little Monster